Restoring The Balance
Acupuncture is a component of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that originated over 2000 years ago. Fundamentally TCM views the body as one, whereby the physical, emotional and mental aspects are interdependent, this focus of the whole body means treatments do not just focus on isolated symptoms but aim to seek out and treat the root cause of the problem.
Acupuncture involves the insertion of very fine needles into acupoints located along channels (or meridians). These points will be individually chosen according to specific treatments in order to regulate, transform or nourish Qi and bring balance to the body. Qi is an integral part of Chinese philosophy; it holds many meanings depending on its context but has been translated into western terms and now commonly known as energy or vital life force. It is believed when Qi is unbalanced, ill health will occur.
Acupuncture has stood the test of time and is growing increasing popular as a treatment in today's fast paced society, where it is now also recognised for the treatment of specific conditions by the National Health Service (NHS) and the World Health Organisation (WHO).
People seek acupuncture for many different reasons, from acute and chronic pain relief, insomnia, or mental health to a wide range of common health conditions. Others seek acupuncture when they can feel their bodily functions are out of balance, but they have no obvious diagnosis. It can be used in conjunction with other treatments and/or alongside medication and there does not even need to be a problem or illness to receive acupuncture - it is great practice to keep the body in balance and use as a preventative therapy and purely enjoy the relaxation benefits (prevention is always better than cure!). Whatever the reason, there is now a growing body of evidence-based research discovering how the body responds to acupuncture and its benefits for a wide range of conditions.
What Can Acupuncture Treat?
At your initial consultation, you will be diagnosed according to Traditional Chinese Medicine theory, we understand however that many of you seek acupuncture after receiving a western medical diagnosis or for certain health conditions. The British Acupuncture Council has created fact sheets providing accurate and unbiased information, including the latest scientific research as to whether acupuncture may be able to help.
Please click on the links below for further information.
Diabetes Type II and Gestational
For further information regarding recent scientific evidence for acupuncture treatment outcomes, please also visit Evidence Based Acupuncture. Up to date information regarding acupuncture for breech presentation, cancer pain, menopause, pain and plantar fasciitis can also be found here.
This list is not limited to what acupuncture can help with, if you would like any further information on a condition that you may have and would like to know if we can help, please get in contact.
Here is a 30 minute video from The British Acupuncture Council that you may find informative, it explains acupuncture and some of the recent growing evidence that has been produced.